Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mmmmmm Bop.

So, the ALL WHITE Leica M8 is here. and, ummmmm. It's sexy as fuc%. I personally don't have the $3,500 to buy this, but if you can...I want to hang out with you and play with this camera. This thing is so sick. Quiet as hell, so you can discreetly take pictures of that art student who's sleeping in your bed, whom you probably lured to your studio with this camalam. (it's not creepy if it actually happens...) By that I mean that it's quieter than my jankity, no, no, VINTAGE 1973 Pentax SLR. It's actually silent. Go on the Leica site. They're so proud of it that they actually have a soundbite of the shutter. That's kinda stoops, but this camera is beautiful. I once knew someone who had a Leica and lost it in the back of an Orange Cab somewhere between Capitol Hill and First/Jackson in Seattle. I scoured Craiglist for days in hopes that some honest cab driver would turn it in. No dice. If you buy a Leica, hold it tight. Love it like a highschool girlfriend.
and don't leave her (it) in the back of a cab.

You'll never win her back.

Keeping right on with the camera jonesing, I was really hyped to see that Diana just released this flash...and this MINI version of itself. Diana had a baby! Fuck, it seems like everyone and their sisters are having babes these days. Why should a camera be any different? Anyways, I bought a Diana a few years back and had a lot of fun with it. I ended up gifting it to a shitty boyfriend and I never saw it again, but....we had fun while it lasted. The camera. Not the dude.

Yes, the 120 film is realtively expensive, and yeah, if you dont have access to a DR and don't know how to develop medium format film, then yes, you may end up shelling out a small fortune to produce a few meager shots. HOWEVER, the joy of this camera is that it leaks light like a centrifuge and it gives you the appeal of a Holga in the tight lil dress of a 1950's housewife. What I mean is that it's hot. It's fun to shoot with because you don't know what you're getting (deal wit' it), it's my favorite color (shut up, im a chick), it's pocket size, and it now she has a flash so you can take it out at night and make a scene and have people ooohhhing and ahhhing. I mean Polaroids are played out like Warhol, so this is the new hotness. Plus, the dance shots you could get would be really fuggin sweet. Imagine taking it to an Interpol show! gaaahhhhh. smoke and fog machines and your date...Diana.

She's a sexy lil minx.

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