Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Websites 'n shit.


So it's midterms and my brain is fried.
12 assignments in print, and one website to build (built).

Yep. Midterms.

Me and every fucking 20 year old in Flagstaff.

It's cool.
Laugh it up.

Anyways, being back in school is funny. Especially when I realize there are a LOT of Joeys pushing mongo on their longboards. In honor of them I whipped this up.

Love you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blood From a Cat's Face

Meet the Mighty Boosh... and Jerome the Crack Fox.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I didn't pick 'em.

so my step mom sent this to me the other day...

it's a comic strip. get it. that's funny.
see what they did there;
they made a joke about health care reform.

no actually it isn't.
she's a racist too. obvi.

ugh. way to go dad.
double thumbs.

Damn I miss Seattle..

and my mirror ball suit.

suck it Lady GaGa.

I've been doin this ish

Whatcha gonna be for Halloween?

I'm gonna be this guy. 
it's Freddie Mercury.
and I'm gonna have to tape my tits down.

and my ass.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hoo.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

my mega sweet boyfriends are here.

and they wanna fuckin' DANCE!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My first love..

Was spurred after watching this video when I was like 4.
It made me feel all tingly inside.

Pegasus loves Aha very, very, very much.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fourteen years 'til I'm FORTy

and I have never built a fort as an adult.
and I wanna.
you wanna?

A Pegasus STABLE if you will...


If you love it...wrap it up.

in yellow leather...

This is a co-lab Brooklyn Machine Works did with Domeau & Peres.
It's pretty ridic, but wouldn't stop me from stroking it
if I saw it chained up outside of some bar.
I'm just sayin'...


Monday, October 12, 2009

Yes, Let's!

So, I was talking to my roommate the other day and I was exasperated at how difficult it is for me to find dance costumes in my size. I don't dance or anything, well, not like "professionally" or anything; I just have this "thing" for lame' and tassesl and shit. SO, she was all "yeah, it's probably because grown women aren't supposed to wear them...".

I was stunned.

and then as I started thinking back to my past, I realized that most of the sports I ever did growing up involved ridiculous fucking costuming in one way or another. Like when I was in baton twirling classes when I was 5. I TOTALLY joined so I could get the git-up. I was stuck in these fucking navy shorts and this god damn ringer t-shirt when chicks like this got to OWN that shit...
so, needless to say, I quit.

Second I was in ballet and I was hyped on the leotard and the tights and the lil dance skirt; for about a month. Then, I found out we were going to be performing Hansel and Gretel. I was sure that my ass was gonna be looking fly in some petticoated mess of tule and tutus. Nuh uh. I was cast as a mother fucking gumdrop, and I was less than hyped. I guess these lil chicas are also "gumdrops", and actually their costumes look pretty SICK, but they also look like miniature whores...
yep. beezy on the left is totally givin me the stink eye and flashing her grill. nope.
I quit the next day.

Thirdly, I gave my best shot at ice skating. I was mega into it. I have to say that it was mostly due to that damn movie "The Cutting Edge" that I got into it. But whatevs, I OWNED that shit, and I actually won some competitions and got to wear some siiiiiiick dresses. but the beezies at the rink were hella fucking scary ('member Tanya Harding 'n shit?!) and I couldn't keep up with it. anyways, I got over it, and realized how damn ridiculous the whole deal was, but it was fun while it lasted.

So, now, I just realize that ya know what, if you wanna wear some crazy ridiculous kits, you don't REALLY need an excuse to. I saw a 65+ year old lady rocking her shit on the street the other day and she was looking reeeeaaaallll saucy. Yes she was wearing gold lame' and had a fanny pack on, and I was HYPED to see it. I honked. It was my past, present, and future. So, I'm going to be on the relentless search for more tule, tassels, and rhinestones. Deal wit it.

oh! and, if you have a daughter, ever, for the love of god, don't put blue eye shadow on her 3 year old eyelids. Srsly.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Fall 'N Shit.

and that means that Winter is bringin her soggy ass around soon enough.  It also means other things too. liiike...

-the days are shorter, but what sun we do get is like that crazy yellow color that's fucking rad.
-school is a quarter of the way through. still don't know where the hell I'll get to afterwards. grad school? pfffft. yeah, prolly not.
-all the crazy "pumpkin ale" or crazy shit like that is stocked up in all the beer freezers all the Basha's the world over.  now the frat boys will have a myriad of flavors to vomit up besides their usual Icehouse.
-pumpkins. yeah. i dont know what to do with them either.
-mother. fuckin'. halloween.  AKA "Katie Day".  OR the only ONE day out of the whole fucking year that the way I dress actually makes sense.
-peeps are all coupling up and getting their down blankets out.  yes, sure, come Spring they will just have awkward looks for each other, dudes beard won't be so rad,  and excuses like "it isn't you, it's just that I feel like we're growing apart..." will come flying out of homegirl's mouth as she's looking for the bottoms to her bikini.  but, it's fun while it lasts, so to hell with it.  what do i know?
-the leaves are changing, and we get to see that.  my stepmom drove me around yesterday to see changing leaves. I fell asleep in the car, but ya know what, some people are super into it.
-i love wearing sweaters and boots. fall lets me do that.
-snows coming soon.
-snowboards are coming out soon.
-snowboarding is fun, and it makes me get all excited and makes my stomach jump, and then it makes me feel like i have to pee when i think about it.          yeah. i like to snowboard.
-and, fuck, I dunno, it means that Autumn is rad.  I love Fall, and I'm psyched that I'm in such a beautiful place with tons of rad people around.

now go listen to this album cuz it's mega.

psssst. i love you.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's the weekend!

I'm in Show Low visiting my famalam, and it's absolutely gorgeous.
I'm about to go get my weekend adventuring on, but here's a taste of what next season's Pegasus line will look like....

Loves to you all.

Friday, October 9, 2009

OK, seriously...

this week fucking sucked.

blahblahblah.  Im glad it's the weekend.

but you know what?! Some poor bastard slipped out of a bungeechord somewhere in the US (see, that sport is mega retarded. congratulations dude) so, it could always be worse right?

now let's just look at this picture of a kid with a gun and a mustache, drink a beer, and laugh. cuz thats funny. no. no. it is.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hellz- Bellz, and should my ankle be that color?

Heya.  So, while I'm laid up on my couch for the time being due to a recurring janky ankle AKA Jankle, I am blogging like a son of a bitch.  and if you're reading this then you don't have shit to do either, so... check out this site....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these girls.  I had the pleasure of meeting with them at MAGIC ("the convention" not "the gathering") in Vegas last spring and they are great.  I begged and pleaded to bring this stuff into EVO, but with t-shirt designs like "Fuck Off", or "Fisted", they weren't having it.  Touche'.

I love this brand, and I have to hand it to girls out there doing what they do, and making spandex one pieces.  Yes, i am aware that I made those 3 years ago and wore them out, but ya know what, these ladies are hustling these threads and making a living.  It makes me want to pull the old machine out, go buy some gold lame' and yards of fringe, and do the damn thing. again.
I love it, 
my dreamcatchers are off to you ladies.

ooooh, and if you're reading this from New York, (doubtful, but whatevs) they are having a sample sale this weekend!!! Get hot and hustle, GO!!!


If you're Maccy and you know it raise your hands...

Yes, I'm a dork.
But check out these decals off of Etsy!!!!
If you just got a new MacBook (and you know who you are)
you should probably get one of these too.

Face it, you're already trendy;
might as well be clever too.

Hearts and pony hooves,

You thought I was kidding...


OK, the Agent Provocateur ones are pretty rad.  

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This cupcake craze has gone too far.

I mean...

Mmmmmm Bop.

So, the ALL WHITE Leica M8 is here. and, ummmmm. It's sexy as fuc%. I personally don't have the $3,500 to buy this, but if you can...I want to hang out with you and play with this camera. This thing is so sick. Quiet as hell, so you can discreetly take pictures of that art student who's sleeping in your bed, whom you probably lured to your studio with this camalam. (it's not creepy if it actually happens...) By that I mean that it's quieter than my jankity, no, no, VINTAGE 1973 Pentax SLR. It's actually silent. Go on the Leica site. They're so proud of it that they actually have a soundbite of the shutter. That's kinda stoops, but this camera is beautiful. I once knew someone who had a Leica and lost it in the back of an Orange Cab somewhere between Capitol Hill and First/Jackson in Seattle. I scoured Craiglist for days in hopes that some honest cab driver would turn it in. No dice. If you buy a Leica, hold it tight. Love it like a highschool girlfriend.
and don't leave her (it) in the back of a cab.

You'll never win her back.

Keeping right on with the camera jonesing, I was really hyped to see that Diana just released this flash...and this MINI version of itself. Diana had a baby! Fuck, it seems like everyone and their sisters are having babes these days. Why should a camera be any different? Anyways, I bought a Diana a few years back and had a lot of fun with it. I ended up gifting it to a shitty boyfriend and I never saw it again, but....we had fun while it lasted. The camera. Not the dude.

Yes, the 120 film is realtively expensive, and yeah, if you dont have access to a DR and don't know how to develop medium format film, then yes, you may end up shelling out a small fortune to produce a few meager shots. HOWEVER, the joy of this camera is that it leaks light like a centrifuge and it gives you the appeal of a Holga in the tight lil dress of a 1950's housewife. What I mean is that it's hot. It's fun to shoot with because you don't know what you're getting (deal wit' it), it's my favorite color (shut up, im a chick), it's pocket size, and it now she has a flash so you can take it out at night and make a scene and have people ooohhhing and ahhhing. I mean Polaroids are played out like Warhol, so this is the new hotness. Plus, the dance shots you could get would be really fuggin sweet. Imagine taking it to an Interpol show! gaaahhhhh. smoke and fog machines and your date...Diana.

She's a sexy lil minx.

Flying High. AKA Tonight we Dance.

Hello, Hello

So, I've officially stepped into the blogging world. Not that I have anything of much significance to say or post or blog about; but I've arrived.

Pegasus is going to be committed to supplying you with images, trends, funny shit, ridiculous stories, and/or new dance moves to try out. Also, since I make a myriad of wares, I will probably try to hustle some stuff on here, or shine some light on up and coming kiddos around me.

Welcome to Pegasus.

I love you.