It's been a weird few weeks though. For reals. My friend, Joshua Pete died following a fatal bike/car accident, last Monday. He was a rad kid. Sure, I think he owned a few Affliction shirts, and didn't really share my same views on things like, say, the war in Afghanistan (understandably, he was a vet), but he was an incredibly sweet kid. You will be greatly missed Josh. It was too soon. I'm so sorry.
On a brighter note, (I'm trying, I really am) I got an extension on my unemployment that will last me right up until May 29th, 2010. Which is RAD considering I graduate on the 7th of June. It's things like that happening that remind me that I HAD to come back to finish this damn degree. The stars were aligned and it worked out perfectly for me to come back to one of the hardest places to find a job, and finish what I set out to do...8 years ago. I am very grateful for this. Way to go Obama. Also, I just joined a swim team. yeah. i know. It's this competitive swimming team. I'm going to look like a dying porpoise for the first week, but I plan on slaying it breast stroke stylie in no time. Look out Michael Phelps. I'm comin for ya. Damn I miss snowboarding. I told my self that swimming would be a good distraction to the fact that there is absolutely no snow in AZ, and I am forced to read about my friends in Jackson and WaWa and the epicness that they are getting into. I dunno guys; I have swimming. I'm gonna make the best of it. Snows just frozen water anyways...right?
Secondly, my sister is getting ready to have her second baby any day now. I'm lucky to be able to be down here for that. My sister Molly, had her third child in August, and now Alyssa is up. It's crazy to be around so many babies, as my life is an absolute shit show; or so it appears from where I stand. Lis looks something like this at this point...

I know. Weird riiiight?
She decided to name her son Emmett. People reading this and knowing me well enough, can only imagine how I feel about that name. Love it. Just hate the way it tastes.
OK lovers. I'm out of here. Stay saucy.
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